
  大利市區的大眾運輸系統,不管是公車電車地鐵全都是聯營的,一個都市都只有一家公司運行,所以一張票可以搭乘市區所有的大眾交通工具,非常方便,我要特別介紹如何配合Roma Pass達到在羅馬省時省錢的玩法。一般人通常在羅馬如果加上梵諦崗的行程約待上三或四天,羅馬說大不大說小不小景點算是滿集中,所以大家可能買三日卷的特惠票或是單程票,甚至是省錢大作戰全程都用走的,我想這樣三四天的折騰往後的義大利行程就難熬了 。
  在這裡要特別推薦省錢省時的Roma Pass,2006年10月三日卷的Roma Pass是18歐元,這幾天上網一查既然漲了2歐元,唉!義大利的物價可說是每年都在漲,所以要去義大利的朋友最好越早去越好。20歐的RomaPass如何省時省錢呢?一般11歐的三日卷交通票只能搭乘大眾交通工具,而Roma Pass則除了可搭乘大眾交通工具之外,同時還可享有兩個免費的入門票以及入門票打折,所以要善於利用Roma Pass。

這是2006年10月所購買的Roma Pass,裡頭附有
羅馬卡及交通三日卷各一張、地圖、Roma Pass指南和羅馬最新消息

  首先,要告訴大家的是,安排羅馬的行程最佳的天數為四天,前三天在羅馬第四天則留給梵諦岡,但要安排妥當省時的話,梵諦岡的部份盡量不要安排在星期六或日因為六日的人潮非常多梵諦岡博物館的人龍是你不能想像的哦!一來也可以完全配合Roma Pass的使用,前三天就可以連續使用Roma Pass了。在羅馬相信大家絕不會錯過最熱門的羅馬競技場吧,但最領人頭痛就是這個景點了!為什麼領人頭痛呢?因為競技場除了是羅馬任何入門票之中最昂貴的景點外,每天都大排長龍排隊絕對會排上一兩個小時。這時Roma Pass就能發揮它的效用了!因為Roma Pass享有兩個免費的入門票,理所當然要選擇最貴的羅馬競技場。當別人在排長龍之時,你大可以透過Roma Pass大大方方地進入競技場不需要排隊購票。
  11歐的交通三日卷加上11歐的競技場入門票就22歐了,那何不買個20歐Roma Pass同時可可享用兩個免費入門票和三日交通卷呢,其實別光是省下競技場大排長龍的時間再加上不用在羅馬走得半死就已經值回票價了,更何況還多附送了一個免費入門票任你選擇!   

+39 06 82059127                www.romapass.it      
+39 060606                          www.comune.roma.it

P/S:Roma Pass不適用於梵諦崗

在哪可以買到Roma Pass呢?
1 各大博物館的櫃台
2 遊客資詢中心"i" tourist information points
3 Termini Station 火車站
4 達文西機場Terminal C

P/S 書報攤只買的到一般的交通票,而Roma Pass是買不到的哦!


Metrebus Tickets

Rome public transport system is called Metrebus, a combination of the words: metro (underground), treno metropolitano (urban train) and autobus (bus). With Metrebus tickets you can travel on these three means of transport

  • on different routes
  • inside a city area
  • through different areas

Fares depend only from the areas you cross, not from the number of means of transport you use. Tickets must always be validated

  • when getting on buses
  • before getting on metro and trains

The bus and metro system is not free! Validate your ticket before boarding the metro; on buses, look for the orange stamping machines. If you are caught without a validated ticket, the fine to be paid ranges between Euro 50,00 and Euro 500,00.


Fares and Types of Tickets as from November 1st, 2003

  • BIT (Integrated Single Ticket) -  Valid 75 minutes from first stamping for buses and only one trip on metro and urban trains. Cost Euro 1,00
  • BIG (Integrated Daily Ticket) - Valid till 12pm on the day of validation for an unlimited number of journeys on buses, metro and urban trains. Cost Euro 4,00
  • BTI (Integrated Tourist Ticket) - Valid for three days for an unlimited number of journeys on buses, metro and urban trains. Cost Euro 11,00
  • CIS (Integrated Weekly Pass) - Valid seven days, for an unlimited number of journeys on buses, metro and urban trains. Cost Euro 16,00
  • BIRG (Daily Regional Integrated Ticket) - Valid till 12pm on the day of stamping for an unlimited number of journeys on  buses and metro in Rome, but also on urban and regional trains. Cost varies between Euro 2,50 and Euro 10,50 according to the number of areas you cross.
  • BTR (Regional Tourist Ticket) - valid for three days for an unlimited number of journeys on  buses and metro in Rome, but also on urban and regional trains. Cost varies between Euro 6,50 and Euro 28,50 according to the number of areas you cross.
  • CIRS (Weekly Regional Integrated Card) -  Valid seven days for an unlimited number of journeys on  buses and metro in Rome, but also on urban and regional trains. Cost varies between Euro 9,00 and Euro 41,00 according to the number of areas you cross.


Where to buy tickets


Tickets are sold at tobacconists, newsstands, cafés, travel agencies, hotels, vending machines at bus terminals and metro stations and at dealers in railway stations in Rome and Lazio.   
For further information visit www.atac.roma.it or call 800 431784 (toll free number in Italy)


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