歐洲聯盟(簡稱歐盟,歐盟的正式官方語言有23種,參見歐盟官方語言名稱列表),是根據1992年簽署的《歐洲聯盟條約》(也稱《馬斯垂克條約》)所建立的國際組織, 現擁有27個會員國。歐盟是世界上最有力的國際組織,在貿易、農業、金融等方面趨近於一個統一的聯邦國家,而在內政、國防、外交等其他方面則類似一個獨立 國家所組成的同盟。有法律學者認為不應把歐盟看做國際組織,應看成獨特的實體(sui generis entity)。
歐洲聯盟(簡稱歐盟,歐盟的正式官方語言有23種,參見歐盟官方語言名稱列表),是根據1992年簽署的《歐洲聯盟條約》(也稱《馬斯垂克條約》)所建立的國際組織, 現擁有27個會員國。歐盟是世界上最有力的國際組織,在貿易、農業、金融等方面趨近於一個統一的聯邦國家,而在內政、國防、外交等其他方面則類似一個獨立 國家所組成的同盟。有法律學者認為不應把歐盟看做國際組織,應看成獨特的實體(sui generis entity)。
*肋拱穹窿,建築內部可以挑高~使室內空間變得更大。 此照片取至布拉格城堡區舊皇宮內部。
哥德式的建築大體來說有下列幾點特徵:尖拱(pointed arch)、飛扶壁(flying buttresses)、玫瑰花窗(rose window)、花飾窗格(tracery)、彩色玻璃(stained glass)、鋸齒狀的尖塔等等。這三者均不是哥德時代之發明,就連彩色玻璃也不是,這三項結構之特色只是經過長期間之累積而漸趨成熟之技術,當然技術必 須要有一個新的式樣來使其呈現,而哥德式樣建築師剛好把這三項技術結合於一體,再加上彩色玻璃,而表達宗教上之神秘色彩和在年經有活力之國王領導下之法國。
1 EURO CENT,規格(直徑x厚度):16.25 x 1.36 mm,重量:2.30g。
5 EURO,規格:120 x 62 mm,風格:古典派。
打從開始想要去歐洲自助旅行的念頭,剛上述的問題就不再是問題了,心裡早有準備去完成一個人的旅行;至於語言上我想歐洲很多國家主要的語言不是英文,他們的英文也不見得很好,所以帶著一口破英去旅行也不是問題,我想只要擁有基本的會話能力就沒問題了,大不了隨身帶個英文會話本子也可以吧。語言本來就不是最重要的,只要你放膽開口,當地人的英文也不見得比我們好,所以他們面對的狀況也是跟我們一樣,搞不好你的英文還比他們好咧!肢體語言也滿最重要的哦!往往勝過你的千言萬語,總之凡事隨機應變,這樣也提高了旅行的樂趣呀!當然可以做一些行程前語言的準備,有機會的話可學習一些當地基本問候語,好讓這些簡單的問候語成為人與人破冰或開場白之用。若是到了捷克就跟捷克朋友們請說dobrý den吧!(多不利顛)有have a nice day之意。想去捷克的朋友們快把它學起來吧!
2004年的9月開始了我的歐洲之旅,也是我第一次歐洲自助旅行。那一次的歐洲自助行後,我發現我患了一種很嚴重的病呀!真不曉得該如何是好!我上了歐洲癮,簡直是朝思暮想念念不忘。這種病大概真的一輩子都治療不好,我想我是無可救藥了。即使治好,那也只能治標不治本呀!我該怎麼辦?歐洲後遺症是個無底洞,不管怎麼去治療,病魔還是不斷纏身,我的天呀!是否該移民到歐洲才能把我這病給治好呢?這雖是一個很可怕的後遺症,但還是很多人跟我一樣心甘情願的讓病魔纏身無法自拔。The magical city of bridges, cathedrals, gold-tipped towers and church domes, whose image has been mirrored in the surface of the Vltava river for more than ten centuries. Prague is also a modern European metropolis full of energy, music, and art.
It's a city of contrasts: Serene green isles in the river and peaceful parks draping the city's seven hills are just steps away from the architectural treasures and bustling street life of the city center. Prague's atmosphere is both intimate and romantic, and quite impossible to forget once you visit.
During a walk through the city, you will quickly discover that the history of European architecture has left behind splendid representatives of its various periods and styles. There are Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, and Classicist buildings, as well as various neo-historic styles and Art Nouveau.
Prague is also a verdant city. The hills below the Prague Castle, for example, have been shaped by Baroque architects who combined splendid palatial buildings with beautiful formal gardens full of pavilions and arbors.
Fifteen large bridges accent the panorama of Prague. Fourteen span the river Vltava, one bridges the vast Nusle valley. The oldest and the most valuable bridge was built in 1357 and bears the name of its founder, the Emperor Charles IV. You cannot miss it when strolling along the Royal Way, the famous coronation route of Czech kings connecting the Old Town with the Prague Castle.
One of the most breath-taking, as well as photogenic, views of the Castle opens up from the very head of Charles Bridge. The Castle panorama features just about all the historic architectural styles; it’s not an exaggeration to say that you are looking at a thousand years’ worth of European architecture.
The islands in the Vltava offer entirely different views of the city. Although these small islands are not very remarkable geographically, their greenery plays an important part in city life. Amidst the urban bustle of the centre, these islands are welcome oases of calm, perfect for impromptu relaxation.
The Czech metropolis abounds in theatres, concert and exhibition halls, museums and galleries. Prague truly offers something for everyone, and each of its many faces has its own special charm.
Above the meanders of the river Vltava a unique complex of municipal housing developed, mainly in the 16th century, along with an extensive castle and chateau complex, the second largest in the country after the Prague Castle.
The historical seat of the Rosenberg family includes a variety of chateau buildings, the famous Hall of Masks, the unique Baroque theatre, the chateau garden with a Rococo fountain and the summer residence Bellaria with revolving auditorium, where seasonal theatre performances take place. The Cathedral of St. Vitus, a valuable architectural work of the Czech Gothic style, is a significant dominant of the town. Numerous cultural activities contribute to the lively atmosphere of the town, among them the International Music Festival, the Old Music Festival, exhibitions at the Egon Schiele Center, and the Five-Petalled Rose Festival (the rose was a symbol of the Rosenber family.).
But Budapest is also spectacularly appealing at night. The Chain Bridge is festooned with white lights, and the main public buildings like the Parliament, the Opera and the Royal Palace, as well as the entire panorama of the Castle District, are imaginatively and sensitively floodlit.
It's easy for Budapest to play with light in the manner of an elegant lady trying on her jewels, for everything looks good. This is a vibrant city: it throbs with life morning, noon and night; visitors arriving from other countries get the feeling that something interesting is happening round every corner.
There are plenty of other capital cities built on the banks of a river, and in many cases the river runs through the historic centre. But such a wide and majestic river, as is the Danube at Budapest, is more of a rarity. Even more exceptional is the perfect contrast between the right and left banks. Buda is built upon hills, the feet of two of them - Castle Hill and Gellért Hill - almost stand in the water. Facing it is Pest, as flat as a pancake (or, as a Hungarian might say, as flat as a "lángos", a pita-type bread popular for many a century).
It's no exaggeration to say that Budapest is one of the finest capital cities in Europe, and also one of the best situated. Among the several places in Hungary that have been afforded the classification of UNESCO World Heritage Site, the first were the Danube panorama (on the Buda side from the Gellért Hotel all along Castle Hill to Margaret Bridge, and on the Pest side from the Parliament back down to Petőfi Bridge), and Andrássy út (along its entire length from the centre of Pest to Heroes' Square, where the Millenary Monument stands on the edge of the City Park).
At the time of the Magyar Conquest in 896, the first Hungarian tribes settled in the plains to the east. They migrated to the hills further west later on to take advantage of the greater protection they offered. Buda became the royal seat in the thirteenth century and saw the court's rising status reflected in the building of ever more splendid palaces and the expansion of the town into a flowering middle class town. Pest at this time was a town of merchants and artisans.
In the history of Budapest the year 1872 stands out as a milestone, for it was then that the three separate settlements of Pest, Buda and Óbuda (literally "Old" Buda) were united. Budapest officially became the capital city of Hungary, and underwent rapid growth in size and eminence. This was the city's golden age, and coincided with the Hungarian millennial celebrations in 1896.
Budapest, now home to two million inhabitants, would appear countless times on any list of superlatives. The Continent's first underground railway was built here. From here originated more pioneering Hollywood film makers than from any other European city. Budapest was the home of such world class inventors as Kálmán Kandó, the father of electric railways, and János Irinyi, one of the early developers of matches. Hungary's two most celebrated composers - Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály - lived in Budapest, and Nobel Prize-winning Hungarian author Imre Kertész was born here.
Hungary's oldest academic library, the University Library, is to be found here. It is the location of Europe's largest synagogue. It is the only capital city in the world where there are more than one hundred hot thermal springs. There are no other cities of comparable size anywhere where visitors can explore dripstone (stalactite) caves in the middle of the residential districts.
It would be difficult to find another city where visitors are faced with such a choice of transport: bus, tram, trolleybus, train, underground railway, cogwheel railway, funicular, forest railway, horse-and-trap, chair-lift, boat, bicycle and on Margaret Island "bringóhintó" family cycle cars - Budapest has them all! Let's choose one, and set off in the World Heritage streets.
Vienna’s history dates back to the first post-Christian century when the Romans established the military camp Vindobona. Today’s cityscape is characterized by the abundance of baroque buildings created mostly under the rule of Empress Maria Theresia and Emperor Franz Joseph who was largely responsible for the monumental architecture round the Ringstraße.
Schloss Schönbrunn, the former imperial summer residence, is one of most popular sights. The sumptuous palace with the beautifully tended formal gardens, the Gloriette monument, the Palm House and the zoo attract hordes of visitors each year. The huge Hofburg (Imperial Palace) was the base of the Habsburgs for over six centuries, and is an impressive repository of culture and heritage.
The splendid baroque Belvedere palace today houses the Österreichische Galerie (Austrian Gallery) displaying the largest collection of works by Klimt and Kokoschka as well as famous paintings by Schiele. Vienna’s prime landmarks are the gothic Stephansdom (St. Stephen’s Cathedral), the Giant Ferris Wheel in the Prater, Vienna’s old recreational park, and the Spanish Riding School with their world-famous Lipizzan.
Looking at Vienna
Vienna has more museums and galleries of international reputation than you can shake a stick at: Kunsthistorischen Museum with the world’s largest collection of Bruegel paintings, MuseumsQuartier with Leopold Museum (Schiele!), Museum Moderner Kunst (Museum of Modern Art), Architekturzentrum (Architectural Center) and Kunsthalle rank among the cities most important cultural venues. Albertina is home to the world’s largest collection of graphic arts and prints (60,000 drawings, 1 million prints), and Liechtenstein Museum presents selected masterpieces from the Princely Collections in Vaduz.
Vienna owes much of its international fame to the many celebrated composer who lived and worked here including Strauß, Mozart, Beethoven and Haydn. The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra is one the world’s best, the Staatsoper one of the world’s leading opera houses, the Vienna Boys’ Choir one the world’s most famous. In the last years Vienna has also established itself as a great musical metropolis.
In Vienna old coffee houses and rustic wine taverns stand alongside with top modern restaurants and shops, time-honored events alternate with internationally acclaimed extravaganzas (Life Ball) to create a unique and very special ambiance. Another special feature of Vienna are its many greenspace and recreational areas such as the Wienerwald, the Prater and the Donauinsel.
travel is apart of my life, that's my dream travel around the Europe, and i hope i also can live in one of the country of the europe, maybe one day the dream may come true.
next europe trip is italy and bacerlona, it's southern part of Europe. i have been to western part, middle part, eastern part of Europe except the southern and northern part. so i'll go to southern part for this september, i really expectant for the trip
hope can accomplish the trip
不按照順序 想先去哪就先去哪
英國 愛爾蘭 西班牙 葡萄牙 摩納哥 瑞士 列支敦士登
義大利 希臘 盧森堡 梵地崗 聖馬利諾
馬其頓 保加利亞 克羅埃西亞 俄羅斯
瑞典 挪威 丹麥 芬蘭 冰島
i really like travel, i'm crazy for Europe. do you like travel? I have been Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Macau, ShengZheng, DongGuan, GuangZhou, Taiwan, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Gemany, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia Republic, Hungary, Poland
Holland Casino荷蘭賭場 - Canal cruise運河之旅 - Rijksmuseum Amsterdam國家博物館 - Volndelpark翁黛爾公園 - Van Gogh Museum梵谷博物館 - Diamond Exhibition礸石展示館 - Leidseplein萊茲廣場 - Stadsschouwburg市立劇院 - Tourist Centre遊客服務中心 - Centraal Station中央車站 - Damrak水霸大道(sexmuseum) - Dam square水霸廣場(Koninklijk palace王宮, Madame Tussauds Scenerama杜沙夫人蠟像館, National Monument國家紀念碑) - Hans Brinker Hostel
Day 3 Amsterdam - Zaanse Schans贊斯堡 - Volendam沃倫丹 - Marken馬肯島Hostel - Munttoren慕特塔 - Flower market花市 - Waterlooplein滑鐵盧廣場 - China Town唐人街 - Damrak水霸大道 - Zaanse Schans贊斯堡(windmill風車村, Cheese Farm) - Volendam沃倫丹漁村 - Marken馬肯島 - Damrak - China Town - Stayokay Hostel
Day 4 Amsterdam - BrusselsHostel - Waterlooplein滑鐵盧廣場 - China Town唐人街 - Centraal Station中央車站 - Care Centrale布魯塞爾中央車站 - Stayokay Hostel - Mannenken Pis尿尿小童 - Grand place布魯塞爾大廣場(Place Fontainas市政廳, Palace Agora國王之家) - Rue des Brouchers布雀街/海鮮街 - Galleries Saint-Hubert聖胡博購物商場 - Cathedrale des Saints-Michel-et-Gudule聖米歇爾大教堂 - Grand place布魯塞爾大廣場 - La Bourse證卷交易所 - Stayokay Hostel
Day 5 Brussels - ParisStayokay Hostel - Gard du Mide布魯塞爾南站 - Paris火車北站 - Stayokay Hostel -凱旋門 - 香榭大道 - 艾菲爾鐵塔 - 塞納河之旅 - 蒙馬特區(紅磨坊) - 香榭大道夜景 - 協和廣場 - Stayokay Hostel
Day 6 ParisStayokay Hostel - 西堤島(巴黎聖母院, 最高法院附屬監獄) - 羅浮宮 - 奧塞美術館 - 傷兵小家 - - Stayokay Hostel
Day 7 Paris - KölnStayokay Hostel - 蒙馬特區(聖心堂, 老街) - 巴黎火車北站 - Köln火車站 – 科隆大教堂 – 舊城區 – Hotel
Hotel – 聖馬利亞大教堂 – 科隆大教堂 – 日耳曼博物館 – 萊茵河畔 – 萊茵河之旅 – 舊城區 – 廣場 – Köln火車站 – 法蘭克福火車站 – Lakalbahnhof – Stayokay hostel– 法蘭克福大教堂 – Romer羅馬廳 – Art Association – ZEIL – Deutsch ordenshaus – Stayokay hostel
Day 9 Frankfurt – HKGStayokay hostel – 緬茵河畔 – 法蘭克福機場 – HKG – TPE
Day 10 HKG – TPE