如果我們深愛著某一個人 我們能承受,必須分離的那一天嗎? 而分離,是生命中的一部分 有可能我們愛著某個人 卻不會怕失去他嗎… 有可能我們活著 卻不愛任何一個人嗎? 這就是我所謂的寂寞



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Facts and Map
Zloty (PLN)
The part of the country which lies between the Rivers Oder and Bug - situated in the central part of the European Lowland and occupying its full width from the Baltic Sea to the ranges of the Sudety and the Tatra Mountains - constitutes a natural land bridge between Western and Eastern Europe, not only in the geological context, but also in the geographic, geopolitical, historical and cultural sense.

Poland is not a very rich and diverse country with regards to its landscape.  It prides itself on its long, sandy seashore with occasional cliffs.  It also has spacious lake districts, along with the Land of Great Mazurian Lakes.  Its lowlands are picturesquely undulating or flat, but lushly afforested.  Not forgetting its mountains - from the low, fabulously sculpted Karkonosze mountains to the Tatras of alpine character.  Poland's twenty-three national parks also offer a range of extraordinary natural attractions.

Poland’s statehood - which is over one thousand years old - can be easily traced within the borders of the country: medieval castles and modern fortresses, old city districts and magnate palaces.  Foreign influences can also be seen within Poland's borders: including the former territory of the Teutonic Order and traces of the Russian, Austrian, Prussian and later German reigns over particular parts of the country.  Last but not least is the influence of Polish Jews, whose presence all but disappeared due to the Holocaust, but who also left their mark on the land.

Polish culture has been connected with the Western world since the Middle Ages.  The country's affluent modern artistic life attracts huge interest from all around the world in the spheres of music, film, literature and fine arts.

It is a country of kind and hospitable people, who enjoy and respect their customs.  For instance, Christmas and Easter are accompanied by grand celebrations, and in some village regions local folklore is carefully fostered, but Polish people are simultaneously perceptive to newness and difference.

Poland, which has recently become a member state of the European Union, has a well-developed tourist base, a rich array of services on offer, as well as age-old experience in welcoming and serving guests from all over the world.  We invite you to come and sample our unique tourism product !

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Jan Neruda是布拉格十九世紀初知名的作家,他的家在那條街在兩個太陽之屋。他寫得最出名的書叫做Povidky Malostranske 社區的故事。他所寫的故事都是在社區發生的日常生活有趣的故事。1895年(他去世了3年以後)那條街該名字叫做Nerudova.


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Rome - Vantican - Assisi - Perugia - Florence - San Gimignano -
Siena - Venice - Milan - Barcelona

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travel is apart of my life, that's my dream travel around the Europe, and i hope i also can live in one of the country of the europe, maybe one day the dream may come true.

next europe trip is italy and bacerlona, it's southern part of Europe. i have been to western part, middle part, eastern part of Europe except the southern and northern part. so i'll go to southern part for this september, i really expectant for the trip
hope can accomplish the trip

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不按照順序 想先去哪就先去哪

英國 愛爾蘭 西班牙 葡萄牙 摩納哥 瑞士 列支敦士登
義大利 希臘 盧森堡 梵地崗 聖馬利諾
馬其頓 保加利亞 克羅埃西亞 俄羅斯
瑞典 挪威 丹麥 芬蘭 冰島


i really like travel, i'm crazy for Europe. do you like travel? I have been Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Macau, ShengZheng, DongGuan, GuangZhou, Taiwan, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Gemany, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia Republic, Hungary, Poland

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Day 1 TPE - HKG - AMSDay 2 Amsterdam

Holland Casino荷蘭賭場 - Canal cruise運河之旅 - Rijksmuseum Amsterdam國家博物館 - Volndelpark翁黛爾公園 - Van Gogh Museum梵谷博物館 - Diamond Exhibition礸石展示館 - Leidseplein萊茲廣場 - Stadsschouwburg市立劇院 - Tourist Centre遊客服務中心 - Centraal Station中央車站 - Damrak水霸大道(sexmuseum) - Dam square水霸廣場(Koninklijk palace王宮, Madame Tussauds Scenerama杜沙夫人蠟像館, National Monument國家紀念碑) - Hans Brinker Hostel

 Day 3 Amsterdam - Zaanse Schans贊斯堡 - Volendam沃倫丹 - Marken馬肯島

Hostel - Munttoren慕特塔 - Flower market花市 - Waterlooplein滑鐵盧廣場 - China Town唐人街 - Damrak水霸大道 - Zaanse Schans贊斯堡(windmill風車村, Cheese Farm) - Volendam沃倫丹漁村 - Marken馬肯島 - Damrak - China Town - Stayokay Hostel

 Day 4 Amsterdam - Brussels

Hostel - Waterlooplein滑鐵盧廣場 - China Town唐人街 - Centraal Station中央車站 - Care Centrale布魯塞爾中央車站 - Stayokay Hostel - Mannenken Pis尿尿小童 - Grand place布魯塞爾大廣場(Place Fontainas市政廳, Palace Agora國王之家) - Rue des Brouchers布雀街/海鮮街 - Galleries Saint-Hubert聖胡博購物商場 - Cathedrale des Saints-Michel-et-Gudule聖米歇爾大教堂 - Grand place布魯塞爾大廣場 - La Bourse證卷交易所 - Stayokay Hostel

 Day 5 Brussels - Paris

Stayokay Hostel - Gard du Mide布魯塞爾南站 - Paris火車北站 - Stayokay Hostel -凱旋門 - 香榭大道 - 艾菲爾鐵塔 - 塞納河之旅 - 蒙馬特區(紅磨坊) - 香榭大道夜景 - 協和廣場 - Stayokay Hostel

 Day 6 Paris

Stayokay Hostel - 西堤島(巴黎聖母院, 最高法院附屬監獄) - 羅浮宮 - 奧塞美術館 - 傷兵小家 -   - Stayokay Hostel

 Day 7 Paris - Köln

Stayokay Hostel - 蒙馬特區(聖心堂, 老街) - 巴黎火車北站 - Köln火車站 科隆大教堂 舊城區 – Hotel

Day 8 Köln – Frankfurt

Hotel – 聖馬利亞大教堂 科隆大教堂 日耳曼博物館 萊茵河畔 萊茵河之旅 舊城區 廣場 – Köln火車站 法蘭克福火車站 – Lakalbahnhof – Stayokay hostel– 法蘭克福大教堂 – Romer羅馬廳 – Art Association – ZEIL – Deutsch ordenshaus – Stayokay hostel

 Day 9 Frankfurt – HKG

Stayokay hostel – 緬茵河畔 法蘭克福機場 – HKG – TPE

 Day 10 HKG – TPE

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